Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas recently attended a wedding, and their stylish outfits turned heads. Nick shared some snapshots from the event, captioning them, “Congrats @deleasakathleen and @nickmirchuk loved being there to celebrate you.” Joining the couple were Nick’s brothers, Joe and Franklin Jonas, his mother, Denise Miller-Jonas, and their drummer, Jack Lawless. In the photos, Priyanka dazzled in a glamorous black dress designed by David Koma.
The sultry number from David Koma’s Spring 2024 collection is known as the Paillette Petal Dress. A variation without the bust cut-out is available on the Alothman website, retailing at a discounted price of KWD 975 (approximately ₹2,67,606).
Priyanka’s dress featured spaghetti straps, daring cut-outs at the bust, and triangle cups, all coming together in a body-hugging silhouette that accentuated her figure. The dress was adorned with glossy pink 3-D petals on the skirt, had a back slit, and ended at a chic midi length.
To complete her appearance, Priyanka accessorized with beautiful Bulgari jewelry, including diamond earrings, a Serpenti bracelet, and dazzling rings. She added heels to complete the look. For her makeup, she went for pink eyeshadow, fuchsia lips, feathery brows, rosy cheeks, winged eyeliner, and accentuated contours. Her hair was parted on the side, worn loose, and the ends were softly curled.
Nick looked great with Priyanka, wearing a smart pink suit. The suit included tapered-fit pants and a single-breasted blazer with a notch lapel. He looked handsome by accessorizing the suit with a timeless white shirt, black loafers, a silver bracelet watch, and sunglasses.